Guidepost Technology Conference

October 17, 2024

8 AM - 5 PM

Brookfield Conference Center, 325 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005

Event Details

Sessions spanning a variety of technology topics, including data analytics, cloud migration, zero trust, identity and access management, workload migration, and much more! See full event agenda below.

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8:00 am
9:00 am
Brookfield Conference Center Atrium
Registration & Exhibition Hall
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
9:00 am
9:15 am
Connect B
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition

Event welcome and introduction to the day's schedule.

9:15 am
10:00 am
Connect B
Keynote Speaker - Nutanix
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
10:00 am
10:10 am
Break 1
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
10:10 am
10:40 am
Connect A-1
Breakout Session - Alkira
Cloud & Dev Ops

Session details to come.

10:10 am
10:40 am
Connect A-2
Breakout Session - Qlik
Data Intelligence

Session details to come.

10:10 am
11:20 am
Connect A-3
Double Breakout Session - Boxed Brilliance: Unlocking Innovation Without Unleashing Chaos
Data Intelligence

Presented By: Trevor Cross, Data Scientist - AE Business Solutions & Justin Bell, Infrastructure Practice Lead - AE Business Solutions

Take advantage of your own LLM's extraction and generative capabilities using Nutanix GPT-in-a-box! In this presentation, we will deploy an inference server, create an employee-facing application, and demonstrate how to leverage LLMs for broader natural language analysis.

10:10 am
11:20 am
Connect C-2
Double Breakout Session - Deconstructing the Silo's: Facilitating Dialogue Between Devs and Security
Cloud & Dev Ops

Presented By: Alex Holt - Cloud & DevOps Engineer, AE Business Solutions & Josh Colvin - Security Engineer, AE Business Solutions

Translating from the security domain to the developer space. Developers will always find the fastest way through and by providing some paved roads in the security space we can bridge the gap and decrease the friction between the two siloed groups.

10:10 am
11:20 am
Connect C-3
Double Breakout Session - Purple Trust: Implications of Zero Trust for Red and Blue Teams

Presented By: John Moser - Security Practice Lead, AE Business Solutions

There are a variety of implications on how defensive and offensive teams operate if they're being pushed towards a least privileged world.  In this talk, we'll focus on what really matters to Red and Blue teams as their organization progresses through a "Zero Trust" journey.  For Red team members attending, we'll focus on new areas of exposure (hint:  Zero Trust doesn't solve everything), and for our Blue teamers, we'll talk about some of the concerns Zero Trust may bring to the security table and how to potentially shore up those gaps.

10:40 am
10:50 am
Break 2
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
10:50 am
11:20 am
Connect A-2
Breakout Session - Glean
Data Intelligence

Session description to come.

10:50 am
11:20 am
Connect C-1
Breakout Session - Catch Them If You Can: Reeling in the Right Tech Talent
Talent Acquisition

Presented By: Carly Grover - Technical Recruiter, AE Business Solutions & Corey Rockwell - Talent Acquisition Manager, AE Business Solutions

Join the Talent Acquisition team in a dynamic breakout session designed to enhance your hiring strategies in today’s AI-driven job market. Uncover techniques for detecting AI-assisted responses during virtual interviews, identify common red flags in candidate resumes, and understand the value staffing firms add by connecting you with high-caliber tech professionals.

11:20 am
11:30 am
Break 3
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
11:30 am
12:15 pm
Connect B
Keynote Speaker - Palo Alto Networks
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition

Session Description to come.

12:15 pm
1:15 pm
Connect B
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
1:15 pm
1:45 pm
Connect A-1
Breakout Session - Rubrik

Session details to come.

1:15 pm
1:45 pm
Connect A-3
Breakout Session - Vendor Neutral Network Automation

Speaker: Will Goss - Systems Engineer, Arista

How to start an organizational journey to a Vendor agnostic network automation solution. An overview of open-source tools, technologies, and training.

1:15 pm
1:45 pm
Connect C-1
Breakout Session - Data Protection in Cloud Data Warehouses
Data Intelligence

Presented By: Chris Bick - Data Architect, AE Business Solutions & Kurt Patz - Security Architect, AE Business Solutions

The recent data breaches relating to Snowflake have set off alarm bells across the analytics community. Join Kurt Patz, Security Architect, and Chris Bick, Data Architect, from AEBS to learn about how to protect your data effectively without making it arduous to use.

1:15 pm
1:45 pm
Connect C-2
Breakout Session - Up, Up, and Away: Simplifying Cloud Migrations

Presented By: Chris Babcock - Principal Infrastructure Architect, AE Business Solutions & Jason Magill - Infrastructure Architect, AE Business Solutions

Discover a simpler, faster, and more cost-effective way to migrate workloads and VMs to the public cloud.

1:15 pm
2:30 pm
Connect C-3
Double Breakout Session - Platform Engineering on a Budget
Cloud & Dev Ops

Presented By: Dan Placek - Cloud & DevOps Practice Lead, AE Business Solutions

Most organizations don’t have the staffing or budget to dedicate multiple man-years of effort into building a full internal platform. In this talk you will learn about how your organization can start realizing some of the benefits of platform engineering without committing west-coast-tech-company levels of resources.

1:45 pm
2:00 pm
Break 4
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Connect A-3
Breakout Session - Measurement, Causality, and the Data You Don't Have
Data Intelligence

Presented By: Phil Henrickson - Senior Data Scientist, AE Business Solutions

Many analytics projects begin with a simple premise: “if we just had the data”. But there are so few things that data, by itself, can actually tell us. Understanding the data we don’t have is just as important as understanding the data we do.

2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Connect C-2
Breakout Session - Taming the River: Value Stream Mapping
Cloud & Dev Ops

Presented By: Alex Holt - Cloud & DevOps Engineer, AE Business Solutions

Talk about starting to chart out your processes and use value stream mapping to design your pipelines and processes from Idea to customer. It isnt just for your customers value but your teams as well. 

2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Connect C-1
Breakout Session - Threat Management and Cyber Recovery: Holding the Fort in the Face of Fierce Foes

Presented By: Justin Bell - Infrastructure Practice Lead, AE Business Solutions & Patrick Ruffino - Infrastructure Architect, AE Business Solutions

Mastering Modern Data Protection with Cutting-Edge Threat Hunting and Sensitive Data Discovery.

2:30 pm
2:45 pm
Break 5
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
2:45 pm
3:30 pm
Connect B
Keynote Speaker - Gary Chan
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition

Gary S. Chan is a security mentalist, an intellectual who uses game theory and math to predict and influence people. He is trained in behavioral profiling, conflict management, negotiation, interrogation, and mediation. He is often found as a keynote speaker at conferences and corporate events as well as helping businesses with their information security strategy and management. He is currently System VP and CISO at a large US-based healthcare system. He has architected anti-fraud systems for state agencies, led the information security teams for a large-cap technology company, and was an evaluator and mentor for cybersecurity start-ups as part of a venture capital fund. He served as President of the FBI St. Louis Citizens Academy Alumni Association and Technology Officer for the Greater St. Louis Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He holds four security certifications and a degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from MIT.

3:30 pm
3:45 pm
Connect B
Closing Remarks
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition
3:45 pm
5:00 pm
Connect B
Networking & Happy Hour
Cloud & Dev Ops
Data Intelligence
Talent Acquisition